My love for books was born in the second grade, on a cold and snowy afternoon when my mother offered me a copy of a novel by V.C. Andrews called Flowers in the Attic. As a seven year old, I didn't understand the incest scenes (haha!), but I did come to learn one thing: I loved reading. So thanks for that, Mom.
My name is Jackie, and I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I wasn't always a Michigander; I was born and raised in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, eventually relocating to Raleigh, North Carolina, where I spent four glorious years and acquired a husband and a couple of dogs. Now here I am, back in the great Midwest. So yeah, I have a husband, I have some dogs, I like a lot of things, but you probably don't give a damn about any of that. I'm thirty-four, if it matters.
Truth be told, I'm somewhat of a book whore; I'll read anything. I prefer fiction novels (although I do like some non-fiction true crime and war memoirs), but tend to stay away from erotica. I don't mix my reading with my masturbation , thanks very much; I don't shit where I eat.
I plan to concentrate heavily on fiction new releases with this blog. That is not to say that I won't review older books, but I tend to read primarily books that are hot off the press, so to speak. I don't like to be late in the game!
What do I consider a good book? Well, to me, it's simple: a good book is a book that stays with you. It's something that you remember vividly, despite it being several years since you were last acquainted with it, and no matter how much you read.
Of course, there are other ways to tell if a book is a cut about the rest other than just retrospect. Do you find yourself reluctant to put it down? Are you staying up late to read just one more chapter?
If you are a publisher visiting my site because I requested a advanced copy of a novel: If I requested a book, that means I'd like to read it for reviewing purposes. I try to be as objective as possible in my reviews.
I'm active on Goodreads -- feel free to add me!
This blog was just launched in February of 2014. Check back soon for updates!

Do you have a policy on review requests? I have an epic sci-fi/romance set to be released for Kindle in about a month or so, and others in the pipeline from authors I work with...