Bloglovin’, but I'll take what I can get; hit me with your best shot.
Question of the Week: How have your reading habits changed in the past few years? Did you get interested in a new genre? Do you read more? Less? Why do you think your habits changed, if they did.
I've always been an avid reader. Ever since my mother first gave me those V.C. Andrews books in second grade (and Stephen King in third -- she had taste, that woman), I was hooked. Completely, irrevocably addicted to books. I'm the type of person that would much rather be alone, immersed in a great novel than with pretty much anyone else... except my husband, of course, but he doesn't really count.
My tastes have changed, very recently, in fact; I used to be utterly turned off by young adult novels. Now, I'm hooked. I've read so many great young adult novels in the last two months alone, and I have you guys to thank for it, since many of you that I follow happen to read YA books. So... thanks!
Since acquiring an e-reader and using it almost exclusively, I do think that I read more in recent years than I did in the past. It's just so much more convenient -- and so much cheaper.
Thanks in advance for stopping by -- I will return your comment and/or follow; I absolutely love reading new blogs and interacting with fellow book nerds!
Happy Friday!
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Everyone's answers seem to be about the same. Ever since I started blogging, I've also been venturing around the YA world. I am liking it, though I still read pretty much anything.
ReplyDeleteRandom Ramblings
Argh! It won't let me sign into GFC. Annoying.
ReplyDeleteWow, LOTS of people, me included, have embraced YA this year! Cool!
Tiffany @ A_TiffyFit's Reading Corner
People always think I'm crazy when I tell them I read faster on my Kindle, but I think it's true! There's something about the format that allows me to whiz though books super fast. Old follower.
ReplyDeleteJessica @ Tales Between the Pages
My ereader is my preferred way to read books. It is just so convenient! New bloglovin follower.
ReplyDeleteGFC won't let me sign in either! Something's been up with it for the past week or so :(
ReplyDeleteI'd have to agree with you on thanking fellow bloggers, It's because of them I've been reading so many darn good books lately ;)
Check out my F&F~ Book Hangovers Blabs Books
Hopping through. I love that ereader books are cheaper although I'm still often too cheap to pay $10 for a book I can get at the library.
ReplyDeleteMy FF
My Kindle has completely changed my reading habits, too. Lovely little block of technology, that thing. I never even knew that Indie authors existed until I started using it. For shame. Thanks for stopping by my FF, doll!
ReplyDeleteHi there, my taste in books have also changed a little bit. Thanks for dropping by earlier and following. New GFC follower.